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Mochy's blunder 05
Posted By: HOMINID In Response To: Mochy's blunder 05 (mochy)
Date: Friday, 13 February 2015, at 11:05 a.m.
I loved Mr Owen's succinct explanation re Mochy's confusion, I thought it and believed it to be a good explanation for Mochy's lack of position awareness . Making the 5 point as a default play is usually correct but not always. The logic that makes it the correct play is seldom questioned. I guess the view is its money in the bank. Making the 5 point in this positions "BECAUSE ITS THE 5 POINT" is coincidently correct but certainly not for the old reasons. Obviously its undoubted value is part of the total value of the play. The rest of the value that makes it the best play by far is the good structure achieved and the good rolls denied to white. Its all about them roll odds.
MMMM maybe a small study of default 5 point plays and the roll odds that surround it might help explain some of its mysterious high value.
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