BGonline.org Forums
Capital Classic Streaming Match Announcements
Posted By: Barry Silliman In Response To: Capital Classic Streaming Match Announcements (Victor Ashkenazi)
Date: Tuesday, 24 February 2015, at 12:23 a.m.
Jason, Barry, great job running streaming in DC this year. Two permanently working stations for a midsize tournament is impressive. All matches are saved, in big part analyzed and posted already. Jason even sent a personal email with match files to participants. Great job!
The only thanks I deserve is to have had the wisdom to let Jason take charge of the streaming and then forget about it. I would have been mighty impressed had he managed to keep one stream going throughout the weekend and done nothing else, but that he managed two streams while doing so many other things amazes me. I'm Jason's #1 fan and I'll have more to say about that in that other thread.
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