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What if illegal moves were a capital crime?

Posted By: Phil Simborg
Date: Thursday, 26 February 2015, at 3:10 a.m.

In Response To: What if illegal moves were a capital crime? (Taper_Mike)

We have designed something that helps prevent problems, and it is catching on. In the Simborg/Horton/Bower rules, we request that anyone who moves checkers not put them against the other checkers on a point or against the side wall of the board, so at least we know which checkers are moved. Then, if they want to change their move, they must move both checkers back to their original position.

If they do put the checkers against other checkers or against the edge of the board, they should lose their right to take back the move.

Now, we know it takes time for people to get used to this way of moving the checkers, but it has been a couple of years now, and if this were the rule, there would be far fewer illegal moves.

So now, when I play ANYONE, in a match or chouette, the first time they move checkers in violation of this rule, I explain to them very nicely why it is courteous and proper to use the new process, and I have almost always found that the idea was appreciated and the player was careful the rest of the match. Once in a while they forget and I politely remind them again, and I have yet to have anyone resent being told and not take it in the friendly way I meant it.

Soon, I hope, it will be the rule, and when it becomes the rule, I will still handle it the same way. The first time or two I will be polite and remind them nicely, and after that I will nicely and sweetly call the director and let him handle it.

No, this will not eliminate illegal moves, but it is a step in the direction you recommend...instead of draconian penalties, an idea that helps prevent the problem.

You will see that the very act of being careful about the placement of checkers that are moved will make people more conscious of the need to be careful. Also, if someone moves a checker 5 and the roll was four, there might be some confusion about where the checker came from, but at least there is no doubt about which checker was moved and where it went.

I hope this will become the law of the land soon...even if the rule states that our opponent is entitled to one warning before any kind of penalty can be assessed.

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