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OK, now I'm confused...
Posted By: Chris Yep In Response To: OK, now I'm confused... (TarHeelFan)
Date: Monday, 30 March 2015, at 10:44 p.m.
For XGR+ Huge, unless the actual move played and the top play differ, the analysis stops at 3-ply if the next best play is more than .080 worse. See the appendix at the end of Xavier's XG Search Interval article.
XGR+ Gigantic will evaluate both of those moves at XGR+ since they are within .160 of each other (see the appendix of the search interval article), but you have to do a fresh analysis. If you first do an XGR+ Huge analysis and then immediately do an XGR+ Gigantic analysis, XG won't do a new analysis. You have to either clear the analysis or check the "Override Previous Analyze" box to force an XGR+ Gigantic analysis.
Note: Although the search interval article doesn't mention it, I'm pretty sure that:
1. If the actual move played and the top move differ, both moves will be evaluated at the highest level requested (XGR+ in this case).
2. For a 3-ply or stronger analysis (including XGR, XGR+, and XGR++), the top move will always be evaluated at a minimum of 3-ply. So if it's a very clear decision, the top move will be evaluated at 3-ply, while the next best play will only be evaluated at 1-ply.
3. For a 2-ply analysis, the top move will always be evaluated at 2-ply.
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