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Robertie Advanced BG

Posted By: Timothy Chow
Date: Tuesday, 7 April 2015, at 1:07 a.m.

In Response To: Robertie Advanced BG (Colin Owen)

Colin wrote:

That's because you're a 2-3 PR player. It don't work for everyone.

It's true that an 8-9 PR player probably needs more than a random collection of interesting positions.

What I pay for in a book, however, is an explanation as to the right play: without it, I'm sure I can unearth all kinds of misunderstandings for myself!

That's fine, as long as you don't regard a human expert as an oracle that produces "explanations" that are worthless unless they are "correct."

What the expert can produce are key factors to consider. If the expert comes up with a key factor that you wouldn't have considered, then you gain. You shouldn't expect the expert to necessarily correctly weigh all the key factors every time, or even to identify every key factor. It's still your job to develop your own judgment.

I'll also say again that a well-chosen collection of problems is valuable in its own right. It's one reason that I actually like Robertie's 501 Problems somewhat better than Wiggins's Boards, Blots, and Double Shots. On average, I think Wiggins's explanations are more accurate than Robertie's, but Wiggins's collection seems more-or-less random, whereas Robertie makes a serious effort to cover all the different phases of the game.

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