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Nactation help
Posted By: Taper_Mike In Response To: Nactation help (David Rockwell)
Date: Tuesday, 7 April 2015, at 5:21 p.m.
21$-32D-63 Position ID: 4HPKATDQc+QBMA Match ID: cAkPAAAAAAAA O (Outer) = 13/10, 11/5
o (outer) = 13/7, 8/5
O (Outer) = 13/10, 8/2You got that right.
In the Outer family, half a roll is used moving to a destination in the outer board, while the other half is used jumping out of the outer board to a destination in the inner board.
The first two plays above both make the 5pt. Under More Points, they both outrank the third play, which does not make any new points.
To decide which play ranks first, compare the destinations of blots and spares that are moved in a play. 13/10 11/5 lands a blot on the 10pt. 13/7 8/5 lands a blot on the 7pt. By the wrinkle in Hit-More-6, blots and spares in the outer board are preferred when they are farther from the 6pt. Thus, 13/10 beats 13/7.
A fourth play, 11/2, belongs in the Attack family rather than the Outer family. When both dice are combined to move a single checker, for purposes of Nactation the play is treated as though the larger die had been played first. Thus, 11/2 = 11/5/2, and the first die is used jumping over the bar, while the second is played inside. If Nactation treated this as 11/8/2 (which it does not), then this play would belong in the Outer family.
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