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Let's be more complete with the rules

Posted By: Phil Simborg
Date: Monday, 27 April 2015, at 1:23 p.m.

In Response To: I'll be blunt... (TarHeelFan)

I believe that if we do write in rules regulating if and how long a player may take a break to pee, it is logical to extend the rules to other areas. For example, we should also be specific about rules for bowel movements. In the interest of good taste (always a priority for me) I will not tell you how long it takes me to have a bowel movement some times, but I might even be willing to accept a penalty point or two if I can have a really good one. And if the rules state in advance how long I have, I just might be able to avoid penalty points by employing a few strategies I learned during hell week at my fraternity.

I think it should also follow that other types of breaks should also be regulated (if we are going to open this door and regulate peeing). I know that one of our goals is to make tournaments more fun for the family, so why not allow conjugal breaks?

And what about our friends who have prescriptions for Medical Marijuana? Certainly they should be allowed a breaks for health reasons!

I am sure I can come up with a few more types of breaks that should be included, and I will be happy to chair a committee to investigate and make recommendations along these lines.

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