BGonline.org Forums
If the board doesn't fit... (Backgammon Studio)
Posted By: Terje Pedersen
Date: Sunday, 3 May 2015, at 1:17 p.m.
A few people have asked about problems with the board size on my backgammon database. I have added an option to select different board sizes 50%/75% and 100% to get around this problem.
I gave it a try on my iphone and now it looks reasonably ok: https://flic.kr/p/sa2NnV https://flic.kr/p/sruetV
I guess I could do some auto detect of the device screen you are using but for now this is manual. Go to Other/settings and change the Board scale option to the one you prefer.
Other things worth mentioning: I have tried to make the email verification less error prone so if you had problems registering/verifying email earlier you should give it another try. The link in the original mail is no longer valid though. Also I have manually enabled all accounts so you can try to log in directly if you had problems entering the site earlier.
I had to disable the 'Add to challenge' option (still works in your private database) as the public challenge list was starting to fill up with single position challenges. I have to rethink how to do this better.
In other news: Phil Simborg sent me a few quizes from chouette matches played in Chicago. I'll upload some of these shortly.
One thing that would be sweet is getting better explanations to answers to problems as the XG evaluation might not give you the deeper understanding that enables you to handle a certain position well. For instance it is possible to do something like this: https://flic.kr/p/rszQqZ (I had to use google translate (and then rewrite most of it...) from the example explanation in http://blog.backgammonexam.com/en/about/).
Give it a try! http://www.freebgstudio.tk/
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