BGonline.org Forums
PSBS (long)
Posted By: Coolrey
Date: Tuesday, 28 July 2015, at 10:18 p.m.
Have you been subjected to PSBS? If so, I would like to know about it.
Recently I attended an ABT tournament that was not using the legal moves format. Legal moves has been hashed and rehashed, so I won't go into the pros and cons again here. This subject is a lot like religion and politics, subjects that people can't agree upon and create confrontations.
When I go to a backgammon tournament I am not really looking for a confrontation. I believe it was Ohio where this happened but it might happen anywhere. Phil Simborg, (The PS), was running the Calcutta auction. While he had the microphone he noted that while this tournament was not using the legal moves format that he prefers, people were quite within their rights to make a deal to play legal moves with their opponents if they so chose. That is the BS part.
If someone wants an example of why they should not agree to such a deal, in practice, from my own experience, email me at Coolrey@pacbell.net. There is no need to go into it here.
In my opinion it is BS to encourage people to play legal moves at a tournament using the "old rules" for lack of a better term. You are putting yourself at risk, and you will NOT have any recourse. For details, again, you can email me.
At the time I felt that PS was out of line, but I held my tongue rather than disrupt the entire auction. Other of my peers agreed with me. I mean, just because you have the microphone does not mean that you can arbitrarily change tournament policy... I don't know why the director didn't intervene, to be honest with you.
No matter how wrong you believe the director to be, he has a right to run his tournament any way he sees fit. Personally, I prefer the old rules. I am entitled to that and you are every bit as entitled to disagree. If a tournament is legal moves, then I play legal moves. If not, I don't.
I didn't like PS peddling his BS as if it were the gospel. No idea how you feel about it, but it gets worse...
I have heard stories that PS applies his BS in other ways. Consider three cases in point. Players A,B and C. I am omitting the names in order to protect the identities of those who would prefer to remain anonymous.
Player A played with Phil and they have a history of disliking each other. Phil asked to play legal moves; Player A refused. Phil asked to use a baffle box; player A declined. Phil asked if player A wanted to use his computer to play, Player A did not answer knowing it was not a serious question just something to irritate him. The match was played in silence and Player A won 9-0/9. Any illegal moves were handled without further incident, abiding by the rules in effect. There were not any arguments during play, though PS was apparently miffed when player A refused to shake his hand. Never mind the reason why, as there were many. For details... email me. I was player A!
I think it should be noted at this point that nobody is required to use alternative equipment such as baffle boxes, clocks sometimes, or dice tubes unless they agree with their opponent. Then they may be used. Personally I believe that with all that stuff on the board it becomes hard to find the cube! Therefore I would prefer to limit the introduction of after market equipment.
Player B encountered PSBS of a different kind. It was a doubles match and PS asked if Player B, (a player with strong reputations both as a player and a gentleman), would like to play legal moves. Player B declined. Asked if he would like to use a baffle box, Player B declined. During one of the games, after the discussion about legal moves, PS and his partner made a legal move and then took it back. They next made a move that was not legal, AND to their obvious advantage, and picked up their dice. Player B's partner was rolling the dice and began to shake the cup. Player B had to halt the proceedings before his partner rolled and pointed out the misplay. (Player B's partner was too inexperienced to be aware of the potential problem).
PS informed player B that this is the risk he ran by not agreeing to play legal moves. Player B, extremely intelligent, had his own way of handling this situation. At his next move, he made an illegal play... Hitting a checker, closing PS and his partner out, and bearing off some checkers. All obviously wrong, and to player B's great advantage. PS yelled BS! Angry words were exchanged... (I wonder if PS partner was a party to this ploy, and I certainly hope he was not).
LOL. No, LOFL and ROTFL. Bravo, player B. (!)
Player C was not so assertive. Player C refused to play legal moves, refused to use a baffle box and apprised PS when he made an illegal move. Player C was also informed at this point that this was the risk run by not agreeing to play legal moves.
Evidently, if you do not agree to play legal moves, then PS reserves the right to use this BS ploy against you. It's almost as if, by not agreeing to play legal moves, you give PS a license to play illegally. I don't think this is the place for me to speculate on PS motives, as everyone is entitled to their own perception. But it sounds like BS to me, just saying.
Getting back to Player C, who suffered through this sort of brow beating throughout the match every time an illegal play was made. In the end PS made a BS move, and Player C said nothing... Sensing an impending argument, and avoiding it! {???} (!!!) So, I guess that the illegal move stood in that case? Hmm. I mean, hmmmmm.
Apparently PSBS is a common occurrence at tournaments these days. Given these limited examples it appears as if: Frustrated by not getting his way in the legal moves debate, PS is using BS to show us all the right way. His way. I don't know about you but I reserve the right to make my own decision on this matter, tyvm.
Some tournaments have adopted legal moves, but most haven't. The oft cited reason is that legal moves is unenforceable. I just think, in my considerable experience, that after all is said and done legal moves creates as many problems as it solves. Therefore, it is no better or no worse, and the whole discussion has been a waste of time. Just like religion and politics, nobody can agree.
I think that more players prefer legal moves because they believe it affords them some sort of insurance against themselves. We have all lost matches where we missed a play, haven't we??? Well they can have their warm fuzzy feeling and agree to play legal moves, but I would prefer to remain vigilant. I will take responsibility if I make a non legal move to my detriment. I would urge you to do the same, but I am not in any position to chastise you if you don't.
That is my point.
In summation I don't believe that an ABT tournament is any place where players should be subjected to PSBS. If you have other examples, please advise, as I am gathering information to take to individual Tournament Directors. Nobody has any right to impose his will on you, or browbeat you into submission. Stronger personalities triumph over PSBS by standing up for themselves. Those less confrontational individuals are left to the mercy of PS'BS. My fear here is that this may negatively affect attendance at ABT events in the future.
So, I will be your advocate if you experience PSBS. Just come to me, and I will confront the issue. We will have the director adjudicate the matter, and I personally guarantee you that it will not be tolerated.
Directors, prepare your answer for the PSBS problem. I have no intention of attending any tournament where you are going to allow the auctioneer to dictate policy, or subject players to reprisals just because they do not want to agree to play in direct conflict with the posted rules, or rules espoused in the flyer. No self appointed blow hard is going to throw his weight around trying to intimidate people on my watch.
This form of intimidation is going to stop. It's that simple.
Please feel free to express your own experiences with PSBS. Information is the cure. I have called your attention to this phenomena for the good of backgammon.
Thank you very much for your time.
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