BGonline.org Forums
About Time...and rolling
Posted By: Tom Keith In Response To: About Time...and rolling (Sean Garber)
Date: Monday, 3 August 2015, at 12:17 p.m.
Sean wrote: Bob's solution fixes a couple problems, but I think it creates a larger one. Once a seed number is chosen, what is to stop a player from taking a break after game one, getting out his cell phone, and finding out what the next hundred rolls of the match will be?
Each player supplies half the seed, which is kept secret from the opponent until the match is over. Without access to both halves of the seed, you can't look ahead to see what the upcoming rolls will be.
Here is a concrete example of how this could work.
- At the start of the tournament, every player is issued an electronic "key". (The key might look like a small USB drive and it contains a string of hundreds of random digits.)
- When you play a match, you are supplied with a dice generator by the TD. Both players insert their key into the dice generator, which also has its own internal key. To generate a roll, the dice generator combines each player's key with its own internal key and the roll number. (The roll number starts at 1 and increases by 1 each time.) With a good random generator, and without knowledge of all three keys, the rolls generated are essentially random.
- Anyone who is worried about hacking should write down their own player number, their opponent's player number, and the clock number of each match they play. When the tournament is over, TD will publish the keys of all players and dice generators. Open source software would be available that allows anyone to use this information to find out what dice rolls should have been generated for any combination of players and clock. In this way you can verify that the rolls you got are the rolls you should have got.
(I personally don't think all of this is necessary. A dice generator made by a reputable manufacturer would be fine with me, and it would more random than real physical dice.)
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