BGonline.org Forums
About Time...
Posted By: sebalotek In Response To: About Time... (Peter Bennet)
Date: Tuesday, 4 August 2015, at 7:20 p.m.
Incidentally, the World Backgammon Championship in Monaco is underway - I believe they are using a clock delay setting of 15 seconds per move for some matches.
I knocked up an Excel sheet to automatically calculate the effect of delay adjustments on tournament scheduling. Suggestions for improvements welcome. The formula results look about right but might need some tweaking w.r.t. current live play. Note; the calculated results are the *maximum* time a clocked game should take - some (most?) natural matches will take much less.
Is there any hope for an international standard? As an academic exercise, I could set up a simple online survey (Survey Monkey) of the most popular options to see what the general preference is?
Source data + formula:
http://www.bkgm.com/rgb/rgb.cgi?view+1241 http://www.bkgm.com/rgb/rgb.cgi?view+712
And this page with a larger sample size supports the approximation of 50 rolls average per game:
“Number of rated games (excluding canceled and short games) finished: 2,634,082 Total number of times the dice have been rolled in those games: 138,425,612 Average number of rolls to complete a game: 52.55″
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