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Just Wondering...

Posted By: scotty
Date: Thursday, 27 August 2015, at 3:13 a.m.

In Response To: Just Wondering... (Stick)

I understand your reasoning completely. However, I think it is a different experience for the observer.

It's sort of like lighting a pile of dynamite ....we all know there is going to be a big bang, and there won't be much of anything left at ground zero, but we all enjoy the experience of it. People like to see people face off against each other, perhaps it's the thrill of competition. It's not about bragging rights. We all know the outcome might be very different next time. Somehow there is great excitement in it for a lot of people. I know I haven't put my finger on the exact reason why it is enjoyable for so many people. Perhaps someone else can explain it in better terms than my attempt here.

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