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Book: From Basics to Badass

Posted By: Tenland
Date: Monday, 4 January 2016, at 6:59 p.m.

In Response To: Book: From Basics to Badass (Timothy Chow)

I remember reading Jake's review when he posted it, and being a bit surprised that he wasn't as positive about the book as I was.

I read the book when it first came out in Danish, so I have to admit to having forgotten some of it.

The main idea of the book is to briefly introduce all (well, many) fundamental concepts. In my opinion, it does so successfully.

I disagree with most of Jake's points of criticism. However, I do agree that equities should have been presented in the book instead of categorizing errors in terms of "giga", "mega" etc (this is done in some cube action tables), or omitting them completely (this is done for checkerplays - the main purpose being explaining the concepts).

I think the book is mainly directed towards intermediates/beginners. Even so, I remember picking up a few things that were new to me, even though I was probably a bit stronger than its main target audience at that point in time (maybe I played a PR 7 or so) and had read several backgammon books.

An advantage it has compared to many backgammon books out there is that it was written in the bot era and thus is not full of blunders.

I would say the book is more than decent, it is actually good. Definitely one of the very best books for new players.

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