BGonline.org Forums
NY Metro Open 2016 Recap/Review - Long
Posted By: Peyo In Response To: NY Metro Open 2016 Recap/Review - Long (Stick)
Date: Tuesday, 12 January 2016, at 12:28 p.m.
Disclaimer: I am not playing the mains in top tournament because I am in no way qualified (yet, hopefully...).
But Stick's point on managing multiple registrations are a serious concern, at all levels.
I used to go to the Nordic, to get my feet wet, watch the pros in their natural habitat, etc. I did so 3 years in a row. And I tried to play several interesting tournaments, so I did fork out quite some registration money.
Every year there was some annoyance related to scheduling, but the final blow was this: I basically got an order from the TD to drop an ongoing doubles match, or forfeit my registration for the intermediate tournament which was about to start. The likely overlap was going to be 30-45 mn at the most, and the interval between rounds was several hours. No amount of reasonable discussion could fix it, apparently.
As a result I stopped going. I don't need this.
My take on this: if you're listing N events at a tournament, and you've been organizing tournaments for many years, you must know about scheduling conflicts. So rather than let people register to everything they want blindly, you could restrict registration or at least warn players, that some events will not mix well.
Just my 2 cents.
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