BGonline.org Forums
I found the 2nd best play, can you do better?
Posted By: Bob Koca In Response To: I found the 2nd best play, can you do better? (Colin Owen)
Date: Thursday, 28 January 2016, at 4:38 a.m.
Yes, you get a huge gain from getting an incorrect pass here. But the bigger that chance gets the weaker the opponent and the bigger the loss is when it is taken. If there is a chance of a bad pass now there would still be that chance and likely a larger chance when your position is a little better without the big downside and that also needs to be taken into account.
If you know a particular opponent has a tendency to drop this type of position then you should take that into account of course. In general though, I don't see why this position is of a type that weak players are especially likely to make huge drop errors on but maybe it is true.
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