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OLM 20160127A The Prime Factors

Posted By: Taper_Mike
Date: Thursday, 28 January 2016, at 11:32 a.m.

In Response To: OLM 20160127A The Prime Factors (Jason Lee)

Running, of course, is out of the question. Bob has repeatedly reminded us that failing to run is costing us some race equity, but I don't think for a minute he is running here. The race equity we lose is more than compensated by the shot equity we do not voluntarily hand to the Dilly Builders.

So, what about saving a 6? If the Dillies still had spares they could play in the outer board, I would probably opt to save a 6. Since they are stripped, however, I think we should take our chances crossing over. Saving a 6 would cost us our five-point board, just when the Dillies are vulnerable.

I like switching to the 5pt. Any non-doublet that does not have a 6 can be played inside next turn if we must. Any roll less than 51 will let us hold our five-point board.

8/5, 6/1


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