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PR or Luck? Here is the real answer if you are looking for (Long but informative)
Posted By: __1ERROR1__ In Response To: PR or Luck? Here is the real answer if you are looking for (Long but informative) (Bob Koca)
Date: Wednesday, 10 February 2016, at 5:27 a.m.
1) The error here is the error (variance of error) acting on the experiment (MSE). Since I "randomly" selected the match files from different players, it will make sure that the distribution of error is normal (randomizing the experiment). In order to confirm that, the NPP (normal probability plot) of the data collected is plotted in fig 1. The more linear your NPP is, the more random your samples were ; hence the error is normally distributed. (As a rule of thumb, a thick pen passing through (0,0) should cover the NPP, or you could calculate R^2 for that if you want!)
2) Of course not. That's totally biasing the data collected by definition. As you see, I have collected 5 match files for each cell as independent (approximate) replicates with no control over the player playing against the player for whom I want to collect data. That is the other player has random playing level.
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