BGonline.org Forums
Maybe it's time for a change?
Posted By: Rick Janowski In Response To: Maybe it's time for a change? (Florin Popa)
Date: Friday, 19 February 2016, at 11:53 p.m.
PR is a practical measure of how strong a player is because it correlates strongly to a player's long term win rate. PR doesn't really measure how well a player understands the game because players can have an intuitive feel for the game without understanding it.
I believe normalise win rate would be the ideal means of measuring performance if it were not for its very high variance and standard deviation. To obtain reliable win-rates, 10 to 15 years worth of results data may be required. Even when reliable, the win rate measure will be more representative of the strength of a player 5-7 years ago rather than current performance.
PR has very close correlation with long-term win rate generally, and has the advantage of very much smaller variance and standard deviation. Consequently, it is a far more reliable measure of player strength.
Elo rating, whether VR or raw, may be useful for a population where the players all interact frequently. At an international level, this interaction requirement will generally not be fulfilled. Consequently, players who play in weaker local populations will have inflated Elo ratings in comparison to the overall "world" population.
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