BGonline.org Forums
Other advsntages
Posted By: Phil simborg In Response To: electronic dice (Phil simborg)
Date: Saturday, 2 April 2016, at 4:58 p.m.
I failed to mention that electronic dice will also make it easier for our transcription program to accurately pick up the roll and if made properly the numbers will show up better in pictures and on streams. Also, if verbal this will help prevent illegsl moves snd arguments about the roll. I think it would be excellent if you could push a button snd go back and see what the previous roll was.
We are going to incorporate a clock with our transcription program--it might make sense to have the dice roller incorporated into the clock so you have everything coordinated.
At this point is makes sense to explore all options and again, I am talking about "options" and not changing the game so that people who love to roll the dice are "forced" to change. I predict that 50 years from now electronic dice rollers will be the norm. Wanna bet? I will give 10 to one odds. (Just try to collect from me in 50 years!).
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