BGonline.org Forums
Posted By: Paul Weaver
Date: Saturday, 9 April 2016, at 5:30 p.m.
On April 8 the New York Times published a story about Julie Miller, a Canadian competitor in the triathlon who repeatedly cheated by not running or biking the entire course. This has been the most widely read and frequently emailed article in NYT over the last 24 hours. She claimed she "lost" her chip that tracks her location against time. No one else ever lost a chip, but she claimed that in two different triathlons she lost hers. Julie Miller has paid a steep price – being exposed in a front page NYT story as a cheater.
What does this have to do with backgammon? Every year we have a new round of online players who cheat by consulting bots. Maybe a few cheat in live "legal moves" tournaments by not pointing out an opponent's illegal play that was to his/her disadvantage.
My point here is that most cheaters eventually get outed and discredited. You may get by with it a few times without being caught, but most cheaters do not do it only a few times. It is really hard for me to understand what people think they gain by consulting a bot during an online match, but it has been going on for years and will undoubtedly continue.
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