BGonline.org Forums
The Cliffhanger
Posted By: Florin Popa In Response To: The Cliffhanger (rory)
Date: Wednesday, 1 June 2016, at 7:12 p.m.
I don't know if this was the right decision but anyway it happened something that could happen again in the future. Many times I can see my opponents non hitting the clock when I am on the bar, sometimes because they forget but sometimes they just don't care because they have plenty of time. Now I have understood this is a illegal move and can cause a lot of trouble. In chess nobody cares about the opponent hiting or not the clock but the dynamic of the game is different, the action is finished when the move is made. My opinion is that if you run out of time in bg you lost unless you can prove is a winning position anyway. Is clear also the player who didn't say anything was unfair in the same way as not pointing an illegal move, a question not yet solved by the rules.
For me is a strange decision to go back so many moves back and reset the clock, what about a similar case where is not possible ? Or let's say the clock was not completely down but let's say still a few seconds were remained.' We don't have a backgammon federation but this situation is repeatable and should be inserted in the rules in my opinion or at least other TD should consider what was decided. What I hate a lot is TD or comitees to decide different when the situation is pratically the same.
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