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American BG Rules Clause 2.5

Posted By: Rick Janowski
Date: Friday, 17 June 2016, at 12:38 p.m.

In Response To: Giants list criteria--list the cheaters please (Ken Larsen)

I agree with Michelle and Ken that such players cause a major strain on their opponents which is very unfair. Also, where a player has shuffled the checkers and cannot remember where they started from this should sensibly be treated as an illegal move. The American BG Rules of 2009 make some provision for this problem in clause 2.5:

"2.5 MONITORS. On his own initiative or at the request of a player, the Director may appoint a monitor to observe a match and protect against irregularities during play."

Players who are subject to extreme sloppy play from opponents shouldn't think it is bad etiquette to approach the director to request a monitor. The Rules adopted across Europe and Japan which are based and written around the "Legal Moves" principal, sensibly make provision for penalties against players who consistently make shuffle checkers or make illegal moves for good reason. Moreover, they also make provision for monitors (official observers).

One possible approach for the checker shuffler prone to forgetting the start position say where difficult doublets are thrown, is to take a pre-shuffle photo from a tablet or mobile phone, all done in their clock time of course.

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