BGonline.org Forums
Announcing new training track: Anchorman! :-)
Posted By: Terje Pedersen
Date: Monday, 4 July 2016, at 7:49 a.m.
Atrifix keeps stealing my champions titles so I have to create new ones hoping he won't notice! :-)
Can you see the scrollbar? :-) This is the 44'th training track which covers the problem of making a point or hitting.
You can also enable email notification and get an email when something interesting happens on Backgammon Studio:
Did I mention the Light Home Screen option you can enable if you found Backgammon Studio a bit too confusing?
And you can even try it out in different languages! Not all strings have been translated and I have been using Google Translate...
What else? Hmm.. I keep adding new rollout rumble challenges once every day:
A lot of the other content is rather difficult on Backgammon Studio but these are perfect to try out for everybody! You get the same position with different checker plays to play.
The best tool for helping you in your backgammon studies! By a very large margin I am sure! :-)
Or as Tore Fredriksen put it: "Backgammon Studio is where I spend most of my time when studying backgammon".
Worth a try!
Best regards,
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