BGonline.org Forums
Congratulations to Victor! Thanks to Rick!
Posted By: Fatboy In Response To: Congratulations to Victor! Thanks to Rick! (Paul Weaver)
Date: Wednesday, 10 August 2016, at 7:05 a.m.
Well Done Victor!!! That is a great accomplishment.
With all due respect I think the Giants List and BMAB are both a asset to BG.
I know i'm the new guy here-so to speak. However i been around a 2 years now and have met most people on the list(s) and made some great friends. I'm certainly a long way from any list.
Having said that I will explain my thoughts:
From a technical perspective and because we have wonderful software that clearly has changed BG and how we study learn and play BG it seems only natural that we have a "new" way to rank our celebrated players-those who can emulate the computer the best. That is certainly a amazing accomplishment and deserves acknowledgment and respect. And BMAB is doing a brilliant job of keeping the records and making this new and important ranking system available to all. But is all we care about just numbers or just a number PR? seems shallow.
The Giants List has been around for many years and is also important in the past, present and future. It's a subjective list and not technically accurate as BMAB it serves a very important social aspect in BG. We are people, being social is a gift we possess, not just a number. So when people vote on the giants list it becomes a "human" list. It's a measure of respect in our community. Respect of our peers as they say in poker. There are some people on that list who don't play as good from a technical aspect but certainly are "Giants" for their contribution to BG. Yes there is the HOF but that's new too.
In summery I feel there is enough room for both, not to have one replace the other, they address different emotions and aspects of people and the game we play. I think killing off the Giants List would be a loss for BG and if the list dies so does the accolades that have came with it all these years as It will be lost in time. We don't need losses. There is room for both, interpret them as you will.
eric petersen
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