BGonline.org Forums
Monte carlo match files
Posted By: Terje Pedersen In Response To: Monte carlo match files (Jake Jacobs)
Date: Thursday, 11 August 2016, at 9:45 p.m.
I missed this one. When you go to the matches list and click on the disk icon of the match you want to download you should see:
or if you are using an adblocker you should see a dialog about turning it off.
Sometimes the google adnetwork is slow to respond so I guess that is one possibility for nothing happening. But I think it should eventually respond.
Premium users don't see this ad and the match file is downloaded directly so if all else fails you could give that option a try! :-)
Best regards, TP
PS. This issue was resolved over email so this is just in case others are struggling with the same problem.
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