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I understand it's important to shake your dice...

Posted By: Colin Owen
Date: Saturday, 13 August 2016, at 4:28 p.m.

In Response To: I understand it's important to shake your dice... (Art Grater)

The full sentence I wrote read: "Shake the dice properly several times then toss them into a baffle box: you really can't do better than that!"

Though I stand by that statement it does not mean I have much faith that shaking the dice will add anything tangible to the randomising process. Like others have implied, it is simply about having the utmost confidence in that process. Anyway, as Danny Kleinman points out, ours is a sensual game, and shaking dice in nice cups is part of that pleasure for some of us.

Even though I, and many others still do like to shake the dice when using a baffle box, there are question marks as to whether it should be an actual legal requirement. One of the many advantages of using a box is how it reduces, or eliminates ambiguity. Legally requiring shaking in a cup as well could merely introduce ambiguity as to whether this was achieved, and for little or no real gain. And what TD would be happy to be called to view a video to decide whether the dice were shaken properly before going through the box? What is clear though is that, even if shaking is not required, when playing in a Baffle Box Option event and obtaining consent that both will use one - like Phil - we should be happy to go along with our opponents way of using it: if we don't, we may find it's not being used after all! For example, they might agree to use it only if they personally don't have to use a cup, or if both use cups and also shake the dice.

Ray's comment: "Or we are not confident that the baffle box is OK in which case it should not be used..."

I've addressed this one before, and it involves babies and bath water!

I'll put this hypothetical argument again to anyone: if you had to play a match for huge stakes, and you were given good advice that your opponent was a very skilled dice mechanic, and that you could insist upon the use of a baffle box with cups - yet the only box available did not appear to be as well designed as some - would you seriously instead let him roll straight onto the board?

Now, some might even answer that this would depend upon whether the players still had to shake the dice in the cup. If shaking was legally required then there is no question that you should opt for the inferior baffle box as well, against this (alleged) mechanic! Dice shaken in a cup then dropped into any baffle box, hitting one or more slopes, then dropping from the height of the board surround onto the board itself is raising the bar WAY higher than shaking in a cup then simply releasing onto the board. It also neutralises the technique of holding a die near the top of the cup, then dropping it out straight onto the board. If it's held inside the cup then it can even be used to give the illusion of both dice being shaken.

It should be realised that, theoretically at least, there is no such thing as randomness; it can merely be approached, never attained. What we need to do in practice is to approach it sufficiently closely, and with confidence.

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