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Another possible false assumption and false conclusion
Posted By: Colin Owen In Response To: Another possible false assumption and false conclusion (Phil Simborg)
Date: Sunday, 18 September 2016, at 11:23 a.m.
This all makes sense.
I would like to add another possible angle, along the same (financial) lines. That is, that there may be some maths geniuses who do excel at the game, whether it's a sub 3 PR or even 5+, but who are very selective whom they play, squirreling away rich pigeons. They might therefore avoid expensive weekend tournaments where it's difficult to make a profit, and where their skills would soon become evident to all and, perhaps, filter back to their regular private games. As for BMAB, I would think they would avoid that like the plague!
This is purely hypothetical, and my finger is certainly not on the pulse of high stake gaming, but it seems very possible. And, of course, if you're the second best player in the world, yet only play the best one, that argues that, in one sense at least, you're a below average player.
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