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Rollout Results w/o jacoby
Posted By: ah_clem In Response To: Rollout Results Posted (Paul Weaver)
Date: Thursday, 19 January 2017, at 9:55 p.m.
Without the Jacoby rule this is not an initial double according to the rollout below. This is one of those fairly rare positions where it is correct to turn the cube to activate gammons if Jacoby is being used. Without Jacoby, it's ND/T
White is Player 2
score: 0
pip: 132Unlimited Game pip: 154
score: 0
Blue is Player 1XGID=-a-aBBC-B---aD-a-cacb-a-aB:0:0:1:00:0:0:0:0:10 Blue on roll, cube action?
Analyzed in Rollout No double Double/Take Player Winning Chances: 60.60% (G:28.49% B:4.70%) 60.56% (G:28.57% B:4.75%) Opponent Winning Chances: 39.40% (G:18.71% B:0.49%) 39.44% (G:18.54% B:0.49%) Cubeless Equities +0.352 +0.708 Cubeful Equities No double: +0.444 ±0.017 (+0.427..+0.461) Double/Take: +0.428 (-0.016) ±0.027 (+0.402..+0.455) Double/Pass: +1.000 (+0.556) Best Cube action: No double / Take Percentage of wrong pass needed to make the double decision right: 2.7% Rollout details 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG RollerDouble Decision confidence: 83.7% Take Decision confidence: 100.0% Duration: 37 minutes 53 seconds eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10
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