BGonline.org Forums
Cherry Blossom Championship
Posted By: MishyPoo
Date: Friday, 14 April 2017, at 1:41 p.m.
We have quite a few matches that need transcription from the Cherry Blossom Championship. If you can help out, please email me at MishyPoo@gmail.com and I will send you a great match to transcribe.
Here is the dropbox link for the matches that have already been transcribed: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/efl34dc9lvh4ixl/AAAHc4KXpo60AN8OOtBM_6gWa?dl=0
Thank you so much to all who have been helping with matches so far. The final match is in progress of being transcribed. If you see a video uploaded to the USBGF YouTube page, dont assume it needs transcription, please ask me first. If you wish to do extra work that is fine, but for some strange reason, it really irks me when one match gets transcribed by three different people. All that good energy could have been spread around to other matches. I understand some of you like to do it for the knowledge and experience of doing it, and that's great. :-)
I have more to say about the Cherry Blossom, but oddly enough, I haven't had a moment since my return to put 2 thoughts together. It was a fantastic tournament and I composed a response to Karen the other day, a long one, then my cat plopped down in front of me at the laptop like she always does and next thing I knew, it was gone.
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