BGonline.org Forums
Importing matches in Backgammon Studio
Posted By: Terje Pedersen
Date: Monday, 21 August 2017, at 12:06 p.m.
Importing matches to your private database can be a bit confusing and you might not see what you expect to see.
1) The PR values are different from those found in the XG file
As far as I have been able to tell the PR values you see in XG aren't stored directly in the file data but calculated when XG loads the match file. This means I have to come up with the same calculation to get those numbers but I haven't been able to replicate this calculation perfectly. I suspect how to handle overplays (and how to identify those plays) is one aspect which isn't handled correctly.
To overcome this problem you have two options:
1) Include the PR values in the filename. This is often done expecially from the matches you find transcribed by the US transcription team:
Manfred Hollederer (1.16) - Dirk Schiemann (3.52) 11pt Brakel German Master 1998 M2 1347388310_1347485494.xg
Actually this one was just called "Schiemann 2M_DM1998_1347388310_1347485494" (and found in Othellos database) so I often rename them to include full name, match length, year and tournament to make it more consistent.
Another option is to include the XG report as this will make Backgammon Studio read the PR values along with some other values from this report. This is a bit more tedious as it requires you to export the match as text and then click on the + sign beside the XG report line in the match info and then select game0.html as the file to upload.
2) Tournament and Event doesn't show up as expected.
The problem I was faced with here was that there wasn't a great amount of consistency in the match files so I had to come up with some ways to make it work anyway.
If you import a file directly to your database you will end up with:
Location => Tournament
Event => Event
If there is no Location then Event is set as the Tournament name. This is not perfect but it usually works fine. Location is often the city where the tournament is played which also often matches the tournament name. Las Vegas Open, London Open and so on.
Event is typically: Speed gammon, Main, Super Jackpot, Double consultation, BMAB and so on but it is often used as the tournament name too. If you want to be Backgammon Studio friendly (and save yourself some work at a later point when uploading matches to Backgammon Studio) then use just the general term for the type of event this match is from so you can later use the search option to search for all matches from a specific event. And enter the Tournament name in the location field in XG.
At a later point you can search for all speed gammon matches by opening the search dialog and click on the 'Find event' button:
Unfortunately the events is currently a bit of a mess so I need to clean that data up (click on the list icon in the find event dialog to see all events):
When importing multiple matches you can use the "Override tournament name" input field to get a consistent tournament name for all matches as even matches from the same tournament can have a wide variety of tournament names.
After a match is imported you can rename tournaments and also create aliases so that when the same name shows up again it will be renamed to the correct one. After a while you will get a lot of different aliases that will all map to the same tournament name. For instance:
Chicago Open 2013 Main => Chicago Open
Chicago Main Even => Chicago Open
Chicago Open Masters => Chicago Open
Chicago 2014 => Chicago Open
chicago => Chicago Open
34th Chicago Open Main Event => Chicago Open
Chicago => Chicago Open
Chicago Chicago Open => Chicago Open
Chicago Doubles => Chicago Open
Chicago Open WBTOC => Chicago Open
Chicago WTOC => Chicago Open
Chicago Masters => Chicago Open
chicago => Chicago Open
Chicago => Chicago Open
2015 Chicago Open => Chicago Open
Chigago Open => Chicago Open
Unfortunately some nice information is lost here but for the database not to be shock full of name alternatives it can't be helped. If you include extra information in the filename then this can still be found later. For instance what event it was, what round and possibly other info.
I have also added support for 'Round' data from the XG file so that if this contains a value it will be displayed in the match info:
If there is no round info set there will be a + sign which allows you to set the round later.
You can also click on the 'Find round' button so you could locate all finals. Search for a tournament too and you can locate all finals from a specific tournament. Unfortunately this requires that the round information actually exists and often the XG file doesn't contain this info but the filename might include a 'final' string identifying it as a final. You'll then have to manually set the round afterwards or you could set this in the XG file before importing the match. And now I have to fix the round information for 6300+ matches. Hold on a sec! :-)
Backgammon Studio The Swiss army knife of backgammon!
Best regards,
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