BGonline.org Forums
Poker vs Backgammon
Posted By: Max Urban
Date: Wednesday, 25 November 2009, at 10:28 a.m.
I have been playing BG for years, but have only recently developed an interest for Poker. Having only gained a superficial understanding, I was interested to get an opinion on a few things from those of you who play both games:
1.What skills are common to both games?
2.Which are not? At first glance it appears as though Poker players require a better memory and a more "costant" concentration span. I'm not implying that these skills are not necessary for backgammon (the ability to recall reference positions and play at a high level for an extended period of time requires both these skills and is a challenge. However,would it be correct to say that Poker punishes lapses in concentration more than BG and that memorising is a constant requisite, whereas BG only requires one to recall positions on occasion?
3. Are odds calculated more frequently in Poker? More difficult in light of 52 cards, size of pot, position etc.? I find that most of the time I just know from experience what the better move is in BG. Is this also the case for experienced Poker players?
4. Strategic thinking. While playing I constantly ask myself "how will I win this game/match?". Strategies can change in the middle of the game. Often it will be possible to win in more than one way (going forward and then potentially falling into backgame when things don't work out). How does Poker compare here?
5. Which game requires more experience to play well? Also, how much more quickly (on average) is an experienced BG player likely to pick up the game compared to someone who does not play BG?
6. Psychological aspects. Has Poker got more to offer in this department?
7. Luck vs skill. Someone told me that experienced Poker players are often wary of playing complete novices, as they would be unable to tell what an opponents action implies. This I think doesn't really apply to BG. I would play a complete novice any time.
8.Is the skill differential between the top players as marginal as they are for BG? Does the Poker world have a better way of determing their top players? Do top Poker players perform well more regularly, thereby possibly implying a lower degree of luck?
9. And now for the biggie. Is it more difficult to become a world class BG player? Which game is more difficult to master?
I'm sure that a number of these questions don't really have clear answers, but your thoughts would be appreciated.
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