BGonline.org Forums
Revenge of the anti-bots
Posted By: Daniel Murphy
Date: Tuesday, 1 December 2009, at 10:19 p.m.
From a discussion of bots on Partypoker (Partygammon) on the twoplustwo website:
"I have an example which happened about a year and a half ago ; One day all the bots where somehow broken. They were lined up as usual for different stakes 1-75 d pr point, but they could not move. If you disconnect or time out you loose a backgammon (if doubled 6 points if not 1 point). When I opened a table, the bot would not move and I won the game by it timing out. It agreed on rematch, still not moving and I won again. This went on for hours - 20 or more broken backgammon bots -and all us human players won a good amount of money from the bots. I had like 10 -15 tbl open at a time just waiting for the bot to time out. Suddenly all the bots stopped lining up and then an hour later they started reentering, this time playing their usual world class backgammon."See http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/28/internet-poker/bots-partypoker-628282/
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