BGonline.org Forums
XG 4 ply RO of the backgame cube from 501 pos 362
Posted By: neilkaz In Response To: XG 4 ply RO of the backgame cube from 501 pos 362 (Timothy Chow)
Date: Tuesday, 22 December 2009, at 5:57 a.m.
My pleasure Timothy and this helped me work out any hassles with running XG on my new supercomp with Win7. I am not very skilled when it comes to OS stuff and was totally unaware that sleep mode was set (I presume default) but surely could tell that I wasn't close to pumping out the number of RO I wanted to.
Pos 365 should have 3888 done on 4 ply when I awake in morn. Here I expect to have these 3888 done in about 8 hours. My thoughts on 365 agree with Ken's RO that this just isn't good enuf to cube yet since the backgame is normally timed OK... not always but usually.
I will close by saying that any student of the game that goes shopping and runs XG on an i7 type computer will quickly be smiling like the Cheshire Cat at what he can achieve. Those who also use GNU or want to stick with GNU will also have similar smiles if they set GNU to use 8 threads and max out cache at 168 MB.
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