BGonline.org Forums
GNU 32 bit or 64 bit question
Posted By: Michael Petch In Response To: GNU 32 bit or 64 bit question (neilkaz)
Date: Sunday, 27 December 2009, at 1:12 a.m.
It depends on the software. In GnuBG's case most of the optimzation is SSE2 based. The general 64 bit support will make speed improvements in the areas where the least amount of processing occurs.
GnuBG would like have to be specifically optimized for improvements on 64 bit platforms. No such optimizations have been done. I haven't seen anyone mention any such optimizations at the present time. But you can always ask the GnuBG mailing list.
GnuBG isn't alone in this regard. A lot of software just built (but not optimized) for 64 bit don't run a whole lot faster.
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