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Unfair NFL overtime rules
Posted By: Jason Lee In Response To: Unfair NFL overtime rules (Bob Koca)
Date: Monday, 11 January 2010, at 2:45 a.m.
My idea: Each team submits a sealed bid at the beginning of OT. The bid is the yard line at which that team would be willing to have the ball to start the game. Lowest bid gets the ball to start OT, at the yard line they specify. To prevent ties, we'll flip for the right to write down even/odd numbers.
I've always wondered why the NFL needs overtime in the regular season. Ties would be a good thing. More granularity in the standings would mean less need for the NFL's bizarre and mostly arbitrary tiebreak rules.
At UCSD, the math grad students had a intramural flag football team (The Smooth Operators). In one memorable playoff game, the game went to OT tied 6-6. Under their rules, we played eight plays in OT, with alternating positions. Whoever scored the most points won the game. If nobody scored, whichever side of the field the ball ended up on after eight plays won the game.
The Smooth Operators were fortunate enough to have the ball three yards short of the midfield stripe, and threw a pass for four yards to win the game. I still get goosebumps thinking about that, quite a thrill to win. Technically, I played for the team -- I got in for exactly one play in the regular season, but my niche was on the intramural softball team (Finite Fielders).
That was a pretty "unfair" set of rules, as the last team to have the ball had a pretty sizeable advantage, being able to run a play knowing exactly how many yards they needed to get. A similar advantage as the last team to own the ball in the NCAA overtime rules.
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