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I know what the worst roll at the NY Metro was.

Posted By: Rich Munitz
Date: Saturday, 16 January 2010, at 11:39 p.m.

In Response To: Question: What roll do you consider to be worst roll in backgammon? (Bill Riles)

Speaking of Brent Cohen and worst rolls, I have to say that the worst roll I've seen in a long time was in my Consolation match in NY with Brent. My blitz attempt failed and I think I had 4 blots scattered around the board plus a man on the roof and danced on a 3 point board with Brent holding a 2-cube. Now I'm the one worrying about losing a G or BG. He correctly played on. He then rolled double 5s and missed all of the blots. The other 35 rolls were hitters. Instead, I came off the roof the next turn, hit one of his outfield blots and won from there.

The entire match was completely lopsided in my favor in terms of dice, but that was by far the worst sequence. Brent had been taking it well and was joking which is all you can do when faced with such ridiculous dice. There was a small glimmer of hope for Brent at one point early in the Crawford game. I was up 8-0 when I danced twice with 66 on his 1 and then 2 point board. A spectator happened to walk over right about at that moment and saw the two dances and proceeded to make some comment about how unlucky I was. Now these were about the only two bad rolls I had seen the entire match. Steam began to bellow from Brent's ears at that moment and he clearly had to restrain himself from reaching across the table and ripping out the spectator's still beating heart. But the moment of optimism for Brent was short lived as I rolled another joker and crushed any hopes that might have remained.

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