BGonline.org Forums
BGO wish list thread
Posted By: Paul Weaver In Response To: BGO wish list thread (Stick)
Date: Friday, 9 April 2010, at 4:02 p.m.
I would like for Stick to add an item to the menu bar at the top of the page that says, "Everything you need to know about posting positions and rollout results." I would post a lot more positions, analysis and XG rollout results on this site if I knew how to do so.
As I have previously stated on this Web site, I have set a serious and challenging goal for myself: I want to learn how to post positions and XG rollouts results on this Web site before the end of 2010. I thank Neil Kazaross for attempting to help me, but the suggestion he gave did not work for me.
Someone said he would like to see more rollouts of third-roll positions. I believe Mochy mentioned to me that he has or is working on a Web site that contains a lot of rollouts of third-roll positions. It may be possible for anyone to upload the rollout of a third-roll position to his site.
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