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USBGF Board of Directors� Statement on New York Post articles regarding Rod Covlin

Posted By: DJO
Date: Thursday, 15 April 2010, at 5:46 a.m.

In Response To: USBGF Board of Directors� Statement on New York Post articles regarding Rod Covlin (Carter Mattig)

Well said Carter, you are 100% correct. Anyone who truly knows Rod knows without question, that he is a wonderful father who loves his children more than anything in this world, and would never in a million years behave in a way that would cause them any harm, emotional or otherwise, or jeopardize their life together.

The deceptive articles in the post and other publications, are filled with spurious accusations (along with contradictions and inaccuracies), which serve only to malign an innocent man, unjustly judge him and pre-assign guilt. Rod is an honorable man and those of us who know him well, can asseverate without the slightest doubt that he is incapable of the heinous acts his in-laws have accused him of committing.

I was more than a little vexed with Bill Riles, and others, for jumping to conclusions and making rash suggestions, which in essence is akin to ascribing guilt. Out of respect for Rod, I asked Stick to consider removing the entire “Why has no one posted on this” thread when it was first posted, before it turned into some circus side show. Rod, being the decent man that he is, told Stick to let it stand, and that even though he wasn’t thrilled with it, he thought it was understandable given the information that people have. . . and that everyone in our community should have their say, irrespective of whether it’s supportive or not. I feel that Rod deserves far better consideration than to be adjudicated by the members of this forum/bg community. What’s in Rod’s best interest, Bill, is for our President, the Chairman of the USBGF, to continue to stand tall and proud, secure in the knowledge that he is an honorable and innocent man, whose real friends stand behind him 100%. . . with their steadfast support.

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