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Real Backgammon

Posted By: mtuhtan
Date: Monday, 26 April 2010, at 3:23 p.m.

In Response To: Real Backgammon (falafel)

I'll try to answer this because I'm the one who recently started a lot opening move (3rd roll) threads. (And there are more to follow)

As I said in some earlier posts, I play worse than majority of players here on this forum. Just rollouting opening moves is stupid (for a player of my caliber), but that's why I'm posting them here - to hear thoughts of world class players and to hear their reasoning behind chosen candidate play(s).
Their comments are not applicable only to that position or just 3rd roll - it could be 4th, 5th or n-th roll and similar position, and thanks to comments under 3rd roll positions maybe I could easier find right play there. (And I agree that all is unimportant as long as I'm taking cubes when take is 0.290 error)

Yes, players make bigger mistakes later in the game, but I think there's no point to post a position where play A is the best and play B is second with 0.120 equity difference (and I played C, which is 0.190 error :P ). I think forum answers to that position would be: play A, play A, play A, c'mon next please, play A, this is not a problem, play A - with no further explanations.

These rollouts aren't the only thing I'm doing while trying to improve my backgammon skill/knowledge. They are done when I'm at work or sleeping (so they don't waste my time), and when I'm at computer I'm playing against XG and trying to minimize my mid-game blunders.

To me it's not important to find best play between 3-4 candidates with only 0.010 difference between best and worst, it's much more important to hear what other people (read: better players) have to say about position and to see what would they play and why.
And that's why I'm posting these unreal backgammon positions.

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