BGonline.org Forums
Posted By: Nack Ballard In Response To: 31P-11N-21? (mtuhtan)
Date: Monday, 26 April 2010, at 8:04 p.m.
Leonardo: Correct 2nd roll reply would be 24-22 6-5(2)
Miran: You are correct, but between that play and N is just 0.006 difference (according to Stick's rollout), so I think there are many players who are playing N.
Nack: For reference, I have Snowie data combining to [e N10] 38k, meaning that "e" (each, 24/22 6/5(2)) beats "N" (Near, 8/7(2) 6/5(2)) by .010 (38000+ trials). Averaging that with the [e N6] 46k Gnu rollout on this site comes to [e N8], which is still "tied," according to the B/W error scale.
I agree with David that (for 31P-11) most people are still playing N and are unaware that a competitive (let alone slightly superior) alternative exists. Likewise with 63R-11, 54S-11 and maybe even the lopsided 43S-11.
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