BGonline.org Forums
21S-43 update
Posted By: Nack Ballard In Response To: 21S-43 update (neilkaz)
Date: Monday, 24 May 2010, at 6:33 a.m.
Thanks for the RO. Here's the 21S-43 data I have now:
Snowie .. [Z X2 S20 U21 D25 H53] 31k 5kSUDH (ext of SUD in progress)
GnuBG .. [X Z10 D19 S31 U32] 15k 5kSU
XG 3-ply [Z X1 S16 D20 U26] 31k 15kDU
XG 4-ply [X=Z] 40kOther scores (GnuBG)
d[X Z11 D13 S14 U18] 7k
s[X S20] 5k
g[D X6 Z11 H15 S33] 5kLegend: X = hit-and-split (24/21 6/2*), Z = reverse split (24/21 13/9), S = Split (24/20 13/10), D = Down (13/10 13/9), U = Up (24/21 24/20), H = Hit (13/10 6/2*).
Error sizes are in thousandths. If a letter appears before the brackets, d = DMP, s = gammon save, and g = gammon go; else assume money. After the brackets is the number of trials (in thousands, rounded down). For example, "g[D X6 Z11 H15 S33]" means that at gammon go, D is best, X is -.006, Z is -.011, H is -.015 and S is -.033, after 5000+ trials.
I will try at least 5k with 43D response although it hasn't done so well with other bot RO's
It's up to you what plays you want to add to the 4-ply RO, but if you look at an average of Snowie's, Gnu's and XG 3-ply's results, the margins of the third, fourth and fifth best plays are pretty similar, with S having a slight edge over D, and U not far behind.
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