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Or use XG's Elo Calculator, yes 1 PR=33 Elo
Posted By: eXtreme Gammon In Response To: Or use XG's Elo Calculator (neilkaz)
Date: Monday, 24 May 2010, at 11:47 p.m.
Based on online games from GammonSite, I came up with the formula Delo=epd*16500 (eqd is equity lost per decision). PR=epd*500. so it resolve in PR*33=Delo.
The elo fomula is the usual one for online site: P=1/(1+10^(delo/2000*sqrt(N))
So there is a relation between Elo and PR if we assume there is one between Elo and epd.
The formula i gave Delo=epd*16500 works for good enough player (less than 10 PR). for a more accurate formula check http://www.bgonline.org/forums/webbbs_config.pl?frames;read=66981
See also: http://www.bgonline.org/forums/webbbs_config.pl?frames;read=66981
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