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Rollout Seed part deux

Posted By: Chase
Date: Thursday, 27 May 2010, at 7:19 p.m.

In Response To: Rollout Seed part deux (eXtreme Gammon)

What chase was refering in his post was that if you take 2 differents positions (for instance 41S-54 and 41$-54) and roll a move it will generate 2 different dice sequence because the hash of the position is added to user seed to get the final seed.

Does "position" include the state of the dice or just the location of the checkers? For example, take 41S-54 and 41S-63. Obviously the first dice roll is different, but does XG take take that first dice roll into account when examining the "position," or does it simply look at where the checkers are and therefore use the same sequence (starting with the next roll) for both rollouts?

Also, same question for the cube position (although I think I know the answer)?

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