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was Chicago ABT Finals, now illegal moves

Posted By: Daniel Murphy
Date: Wednesday, 2 June 2010, at 1:48 p.m.

In Response To: Chicago ABT Finals (Chiva Tafazzoli)

DBgF? I believe this is still the Danish rule:

4.2.3.ULOVLIGE RYK. 1.Generelt. Hvis en spil­ler bliver opmærksom på, at modstanderen har fore­taget et ulovligt ryk, kan spil­leren enten acceptere ryk­ket, som det er foretaget, eller kræve, at modstanderen rykker om i overensstem­melse med, hvad terningerne viste.

i.e., accept the illegal move, or require that it be played over.

But here is the "legal moves" rule for WBGT tournaments (which included the 2010 Nordic Open directed by the DBgF):

4.2. Checkers and moves


1. If an illegal move is noticed before the opponent has rolled his dice it must be corrected. Only the two players and tournament officials are allowed to point out an illegal move.

2. Undoing of illegal moves in matches played without the use of game clock. Demands for undoing are made by presenting the opponent with the fact. Once the opponent has accepted the fact the dice must be replaced on the board showing the correct value and the move must be remade.

3. Undoing of illegal moves in matches played with a game clock. Demands for undoing are made by stopping the game clock and presenting the opponent with the fact. Once the opponent has accepted the fact, the opponent’s time must be restarted on the game clock. When the delay time has run out, the opponent may make a legal move.

4. Repeated illegal moves may result in a warning. If the player continues to make illegal moves, penalty points may be awarded.

See: http://www.nordicopen.dk/fileadmin/nordicopen/images/format/WBGT_rules.pdf

Another WBGT rule:

4. ERRORS IN THE STARTING POSITION. If an error in the starting position is noticed after the player starting the game has commenced his second turn, the starting position is valid in spite of the error. Therefore a player starting with less than 15 checkers can still lose a gammon or backgammon. An error noticed before the player starting the game has commenced his second turn must be corrected in accordance with the correct starting position, if possible.


5. Players may not, in an uncontrolled manner, move their checkers back and forth across the board in order to test new positions. Players are recommended to place the checkers at least 2 centimetres above the checker/checkers that are already in the intended point or on the edge of the board if the intended point is empty.

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