| | White is Player 2
score: 0 pip: 181 | 5 point match | pip: 150 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=-ba--BD-D---dCaa-b-c-Aa-A-:0:0:1:00:0:0:0:5:10 |
Blue on roll, cube action? |
Analyzed in XG Roller+ |
Player Winning Chances: | 64.28% (G: 32.98% B: 5.06%) |
Opponent Winning Chances: | 35.72% (G: 5.84% B: 0.25%) |
Cubeless Equities |
No Double: | +0.592 |
Double: | +1.341 |
Cubeful Equities |
No Double: | +0.862 (-0.130) |
Double/Take: | +0.992 |
Double/Drop: | +1.000 (+0.008) |
Best Cube action: Double / Take |
eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.21, MET: Rockwell-Kazaross
Nice problem!! Looks like none of us got it, although David's response was ambiguous.
| | White is Player 2
score: 0 pip: 161 | 7 point match | pip: 86 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=a-ABdDCBB-A------b-bbbb---:1:-1:1:22:0:0:0:7:10 |
Blue to play 22 |
1. | XG Roller+ | 10/6 3/1(2) | eq: +0.832 |
| Player: Opponent: | 75.60% (G:41.83% B:0.57%) 24.40% (G:3.25% B:0.12%) | |
2. | XG Roller+ | 10/6 5/3(2) | eq: +0.772 (-0.059) |
| Player: Opponent: | 73.90% (G:40.66% B:0.65%) 26.10% (G:3.60% B:0.14%) | |
3. | XG Roller+ | 5/1(2) | eq: +0.761 (-0.071) |
| Player: Opponent: | 73.04% (G:42.57% B:0.60%) 26.96% (G:4.67% B:0.19%) | |
4. | XG Roller+ | 10/6 7/5(2) | eq: +0.760 (-0.072) |
| Player: Opponent: | 72.60% (G:41.79% B:0.81%) 27.40% (G:2.93% B:0.08%) | |
5. | XG Roller+ | 10/8 7/5 7/3 | eq: +0.760 (-0.072) |
| Player: Opponent: | 72.73% (G:41.59% B:0.73%) 27.27% (G:3.17% B:0.10%) | |
6. | XG Roller+ | 10/6 8/6(2) | eq: +0.739 (-0.093) |
| Player: Opponent: | 71.86% (G:41.38% B:0.81%) 28.14% (G:2.79% B:0.08%) | |
eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.21, MET: Rockwell-Kazaross
| | White is Player 2
score: 4 pip: 126 | 7 point match | pip: 127 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=--a--CD-BbB-bD----acabab--:0:0:1:22:0:4:0:7:10 |
Blue to play 22 |
1. | XG Roller+ | 6/2*(2) | eq: +0.713 |
| Player: Opponent: | 65.11% (G:12.83% B:0.30%) 34.89% (G:4.88% B:0.10%) | |
2. | XG Roller+ | 13/11(2) 6/4(2) | eq: +0.673 (-0.040) |
| Player: Opponent: | 64.13% (G:9.50% B:0.36%) 35.87% (G:4.71% B:0.11%) | |
3. | XG Roller+ | 10/8(2) 6/4(2) | eq: +0.639 (-0.074) |
| Player: Opponent: | 63.18% (G:9.57% B:0.27%) 36.82% (G:4.22% B:0.07%) | |
eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.21, MET: Rockwell-Kazaross
For money:
| | White is Player 2
score: 0 pip: 126 | Money session Jacoby Beaver | pip: 127 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=--a--CD-BbB-bD----acabab--:0:0:1:22:0:0:3:0:10 |
Blue to play 22 |
1. | XG Roller+ | 6/2*(2) | eq: +0.592 |
| Player: Opponent: | 65.24% (G:12.47% B:0.32%) 34.76% (G:4.58% B:0.09%) | |
2. | XG Roller+ | 13/11(2) 6/4(2) | eq: +0.494 (-0.098) |
| Player: Opponent: | 64.46% (G:8.34% B:0.33%) 35.54% (G:3.38% B:0.06%) | |
3. | XG Roller+ | 10/8(2) 6/4(2) | eq: +0.464 (-0.128) |
| Player: Opponent: | 63.57% (G:7.82% B:0.18%) 36.43% (G:2.75% B:0.05%) | |
4. | XG Roller+ | 13/11(4) | eq: +0.391 (-0.201) |
| Player: Opponent: | 61.63% (G:5.05% B:0.11%) 38.37% (G:2.23% B:0.04%) | |
eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.21