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Father of the doubling cube?
Posted By: KenB
Date: Tuesday, 28 October 2008, at 10:56 p.m.
I was reading “To double or not to double” by John Longacre in the July 1931, Vanity Fair. He is talking about “modern backgammon” – using a doubling cube and makes the statement:
“It must be admitted that doubling was originated with no such high purpose as the advancement of skill in the game. It was devised solely in order to obtain the maximum “action” in the shortest time – and in this its reputed father, Grand Duke Dmitri, was eminently successful. It is highly probable that he did not realize, at the time, that skilful analysis of relative position had thereby suddenly become essential to successful play, but, since this has undoubtedly been the result, it seems certain that this modern variation will consolidate its position as the Backgammon of the future.
I assume that he is talking about Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich of Russia, famed for being involved in the murder of Rasputin? The time line fits but I have never seen any other references to this. Does anyone else have any information on this?
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