BGonline.org Forums
Who are the best at other things?
Posted By: Phil Simborg
Date: Wednesday, 23 September 2009, at 6:11 a.m.
Howard Markowitz and I were playing gin, and we were wondering if there was an active backgammon player that is considered to be the best gin player....could it be Howard or me?
Please help me fill in some blanks:
Gus Hansen is probably the best poker player of the backgammon players. Nack is probably the best Go player Scrabble? Jake, Corbett, Nack? Chess? EKW? Tennis (Hansen, Corbett) Othello? David Rockwell Darts? Bob Zavoral Bridge: Kit Racquetball? (Munitz, David Todd, Me?) Basketball? Pool? Music Trivia: Carter General Trivia: Jake Math: Art Benjamin Magic tricks? Hearts: David Todd? Chinese Food: Herb Roman Juggling?: Ping Pong: Bill Davis? Bob Glass?
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