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32$ - nactation

Posted By: Nack Ballard
Date: Wednesday, 13 January 2010, at 3:06 p.m.

In Response To: 32$ - nactation (rew)

The definition of $ in nactation is : You “slot” by moving a checker down and putting it or another checker onto a vacant offensive point.

With 32$ you can achieve this either by playing 10 4 or 11 5. How do you differentiate?

Good question.

In order for slotting plays to be "natural," I created these priority rules:

(1) Slot 5pt or 4pt
(2) If unstack, unstack tallest point
(3) 6pt convention

The two plays you described with 32 are: 13/10 6/4, and 13/11 8/5.

Both plays obey (1). So we go to (2), which almost always refers to the 6pt and 8pt. Since 13/10 6/4 unstacks the 6pt, it is allocated $ (the primary symbol for slot).

13/11 8/5 is less natural (it unstacks the short 8pt instead of the tall 6pt), so it is allocated %, the secondary symbol for slot. The % symbol is located to the right of $ on your keyboard.

In short, for opening 32, $ is 13/10 6/4, and % is 13/11 8/5.

To be clear, though, if 13/10 6/4 is not legal in a position, there is only one play that honors (1): then, 13/11 8/5 moves into prime position and is allocated $.

In case you need more slotting options, italics is next: the hierarchy of the slot family is [$, %, $, %]. After that, repeat the same four members but underlined. This is just to make you aware of the deep pockets available -- it would be rare indeed to go past the first two or three $ members.

Opening 32 played 13/11 6/3 would be the italic $. This slotting play doesn't even honor (1).

Similarly with 62$, you can either play 5 or 11 2.

There is yet another slotting play with 62, which is 13/7 6/4.

13/5 and 13/7 6/4 both obey (1). Since (2) does not apply to one of the plays, we skip to (3). The 5pt is closer to the 6pt than the 4pt is. So, 13/5 is $ and 13/7 6/4 is %.

For 13/11 8/2 (yuk!), the italic $ distinguishes it from the other two slotting plays.

Alternatively, you can use the N and O characters to describe moves that play one checker down and the other within (N) or to (O) the inner board. For the basics, see the tutorial, Section 4. There is no (1) or (2) to remember; there is only the (standard) 6pt convention for tie-breakers.

For 32, N = 13/10 6/4, n = 13/11 6/3, O = 13/10 8/6, and o = 13/11 8/5.
For 62, N = 13/7 6/4, O = 13/7 8/6, and o = 13/11 6/2.

There is also & (as in "slot & slot") for double-slot. For 32, & is 8/5 6/4, and the italic & is 6/4 6/3. For 62, & is 13/7 6/4, and & is 8/2 6/4.

If you are starting to notice that there is more than one way to nactate most plays (e.g., opening 62 played 13/7 6/4 is N, & or %, in my personal order of preference), you are catching on! (If it weren't that way, Nactation would be less robust for handling unusual situations or oddball plays.)


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