# Ply Move Equity
  1 R 13/11 6/5 -0.1165
0.48380.13210.0054-0.51620.18000.0135 -0.0884 -0.1165
0.00090.00090.0002-0.00090.00100.0004 0.0024 0.0060
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  5184 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1012337559 and quasi-random dice  
  Play: 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]  
  keep the first 0 0-ply moves and up to 12 more moves within equity 0.16  
  Skip pruning for 1-ply moves.  
  Cube: 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]  
  2 R 13/10 -0.1421 ( -0.0256)
0.47120.13130.0052-0.52880.17110.0100 -0.1022 -0.1421
0.00080.00080.0002-0.00080.00090.0003 0.0020 0.0054
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  5184 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1012337559 and quasi-random dice  
  Play: 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]  
  keep the first 0 0-ply moves and up to 12 more moves within equity 0.16  
  Skip pruning for 1-ply moves.  
  Cube: 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]  
3 R 24/21 -0.1917 ( -0.0752)
0.46520.11550.0052-0.53480.17160.0069 -0.1273 -0.1917
0.00080.00080.0002-0.00080.00090.0002 0.0020 0.0054
  Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.  
  5184 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 1012337559 and quasi-random dice  
  Play: 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]  
  keep the first 0 0-ply moves and up to 12 more moves within equity 0.16  
  Skip pruning for 1-ply moves.  
  Cube: 2-ply cubeful prune [world class]