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Play A "loses more gammons"

Posted By: Bob Koca
Date: Monday, 18 January 2010, at 4:33 a.m.

In Response To: Play A "loses more gammons" (Timothy Chow)

>"It sounds like you're trying to get away with a single rollout that tells >you what you need to know for all match scores. We know that this isn't >really possible, so why settle for this solution?"

Because I would rather know the money values and use my skills to make needed adjustments than memorize a new rollout result for every possible score and cube position.

> "In any case, can you explain your argument that "cubeless" numbers, >obtained by playing checkers as if it were a money game and using a 2-ply >evaluation to "fake" the numbers in case of a double/drop, give you more >useful information for deciding what to do at some strange score than actual >money-play numbers would? Both approaches are technically incorrect, and I >don't understand why the former is less incorrect than the latter."

It is a matter of which is more useful. I think about doubling windows and gammon values and that would not be so useful without knowing what % of games would end up as a gammon if played out.

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